Alas! Gary Johnson spake thus:
> 2.  I got tired of explaining text-only MUAs to them only to receive
>     comments like, "I guess Unix isn't very good if it can't even
>     display different colors and fonts like my PC can.  When are you
>     guys going to start using Windows?"

Yeah, Unix really is a POS. We don't need no stinking standards!! Random
havoc is good enough for anybody!

Seriously. If you have the intellectual capacity of a 3 year old, you
might appreciate the fancy colors of HTML mail. But if you have a brain,
and can think for yourself, you probably know that pretty pictures are a
waste of time, all that matters is the content. In other words, "No BS".

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"I chased a girl for two years only to discover that her tastes
were exactly like mine: We were both crazy about girls."
    -- Groucho Marx

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