* Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020124 21:21]:
> > macro index m ":set editor=blah\n<mail>"
> > macro index r ":set editor=blah\n<reply>"
> > macro index R ":set editor=blah\n<group-reply>"
> > macro index L ":set editor=blah\n<list-reply>"
> Ah now I see a pattern, you can put the <mail> thingy in the set editor
> bit. So how might it look with this line:
>  set editor="vim +'/^$/' -c ':set textwidth=72'"
> like this?
>  set editor="vim +'/^$/' -c ':set textwidth=72'<mail>"

Almost. You can only use the <mail> 'thingie' in a macro definition,
$editor is just the editor variable.

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