Hi Cameron, > On 13:53 13 Nov 2001, Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > | Just a quick question: > | Is there a unix tool to convert something like this > | Subject: Para =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9_Carlos_Lavalle_?= > | into this > | Subject: Para José Carlos Lavalle >
> Procmail can be used for this: > > : 0hc > * ^Subject:.*=\? > | sed '/^Subject:/s/=?[^?]*?Q?\([^?]*\)?=/\1/g' But this just extracts the encoded part, in that case Jos=E9_Carlos_Lavalle_ That looks better, but still isn't very readable. :-) Andy. -- Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe PGP/GPG: see headers o _ _ _ ------- __o __o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_) -o) ----- _`\<,_ _`\<,_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/ /\\ ---- (_)/ (_) (_)/ (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_ _\_v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maintenance-free: When it breaks, it can't be fixed...