Hi all! Well, I hope this isn't so dummy...
I use procmail to filter my mails, but I have like 20 folders, like: ~/mail/Lists/PERL ~/mail/Grad/Grad-L ~/mail/Personal/Dad and so on... How do I make to mutt "find" my new mails? Like, I want my mutt to, when it starts, tell me: Hey, you have mail in ~/mail/Lists/PERL, or better, just take me to the PERL mail archives. I thought mutt -Z would do that, but it just, actualy, say to me: you have no mail. Yes, I did put in my .muttrc: mailboxes +Lists/PERL +Grad/Grad-L +Personal/Dad set check_new etc... and, yes, when I mutt -y, it shows me the wright folders. My question: How can I open mutt, and it show me new mails, and take me to new mails, and, when I press <SPACE>, it takes me to the next new mail? I realy apreciate if some one help me here. I wanted this since I set my procmail up (Like a year?) I just migrated from pine, because GNU/GPL and because mutt just DONT SUCKs! Thanks 4 Ur time, and sorry for my baaaad english! -- Cleber S. Mori Monitor Lab Linux 2o Ano - Bacharelado em Ciências da Computação ICMC - Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação USP - Universidade de São Paulo - São Carlos HPage: http://grad.icmc.sc.usp.br/~cleber/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ/UIN: 1409389