* Jonathan Irving ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 21. 2002 18:57]:


> Emacs and Pine both support per-message quote characters.  I
> think the idea is to choose something that identifies the person,
> like:

Hehe, no no, I meant *that exact quote prefix* :-) It'd take me forever
to find the thread in the archives because I wouldn't know what to look
for, but it was the thread where someone was picking on Dave's (%) quote
prefix. (I gather this isn't the first time someone on the list has
picked on him about that prefix. ;-))

I've used clients like TheBat! before that do it as you've pointed out

> BC>    This line is quoted text>
> BC>    This line is quoted text>

Now /that's/ OK with me. I probably made that a bit confusing.

> > Then, there's also the people that like to open a quoted
> > paragraph with << and close it with >>, with no prefix in
> > between. IMO, that's the most annoying thing I've ever seen.

> This seems to be an AOL mailer thing.  It happened a lot on a
> couple of film mail lists I'm on, always from AOL addresses.

Ah, yes I have seen that with AOL clients. But, I've seen it with
Outlook users as well. I guess that tells me that people are picking up
what their friends do. I guess It Is So in those circles.

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Rap is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.

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