Hello all JT pointed out that the mime-verify-signature-filter-Skript didn't work properly with all messages. This version is now corrected and should work (hopefully) with all kind of mime/pgp-Signed mails. Sorry for the inconvenience.
-- cu --== Jerri ==-- Homepage: http://www.jerri.de/ ICQ: 54160208
#!/bin/sh # To get a good name which isn't overwritten tempname=check_sign-$RANDOM-$$-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # Create a temporary dir mkdir /tmp/$tempname cd /tmp/$tempname # backup the original mail cat > mail # Get the signature munpack -q mail > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get the signed part boundary=`cat mail | grep boundary | sed -e "s/.*boundary=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/" | sed -e "s/[\/+*]/./g" | head -1` cat mail | sed -e "1,/^--$boundary$/ d" -e "/^--$boundary$/,$ d" | sed -e "$ d" > signed # Check the signature echo "-----Output from GnuPG-----" > gpgoutput gpg --no-tty --verify part1 signed >> gpgoutput 2>&1 echo >> gpgoutput # Output new mail # Header cat mail | sed -e "/^$/,$ d" | grep -v "^[Content-|Lines]" | grep -v "protocol" # Mailbody and output from verification # Thanks to JT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to pointing out the difference between # multipart and normal messages if cat signed | sed -e "/^$/,$ d" | grep -q "boundary"; then # If multipart message (with attachments) boundary=`cat signed | grep boundary | sed -e "s/.*boundary=\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/" | sed -e "s/[\/+*]/./g" | head -1` cat signed | awk "BEGIN {nummer=0} /^--$boundary\$/ {nummer++; if (nummer==2) {system(\"/bin/cat gpgoutput\")}} {print}" else # Just a plain mail cat signed gpgoutput fi # Delete tempdir and files therein cd / rm -rf /tmp/$tempname
Description: PGP signature