> > > I thought I would write a filter for Pine users to be able to deal
> > > with PGP-MIME signed messages.  It struck me that the concept should
> > > be fairly simple.  I hacked together a quick shell script that does
> > > the following:
> > I have two filters which I use with procmail to verify emails coming in.
> > They are run as filters from procmail as
> Thanks, these are interesting, but...
> > # Get the signature
> > munpack -q mail > /dev/null 2>&1
> I do not have the munpack command.  Do you know where I can get it?

Mhm. Had to search for it myself. The most official place seems to be
the following ftp-server:


I think I got it from there too, but can't remember anymore.

I found the link on the following URL where you can find lots of other
tools. Also for DOS and Windows (if you need to... :-)


Have fun.

  --== Jerri ==--
Homepage:       http://www.jerri.de/   ICQ: 54160208

Attachment: msg23065/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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