I've created a patch which allows the use of printf-style sequences in the mailbox parameter of the mbox-hook command. My motivation for this patch was to store/archive my mailing list messages to folders based on date. I already had an fcc-save-hook like this:
fcc-save-hook '~C mutt-users.*@mutt.org$' +lists.d/mutt/users/%<%Y/%b> and my old mbox-hook was: mbox-hook '+lists.d/mutt/users/incoming' +lists.d/mutt/users/`date +%Y/%b` but now I can do this: mbox-hook '+lists.d/mutt/users/incoming' +lists.d/mutt/users/%[%Y/%b] Mostly I didn't like the few other options I considered: restarting mutt; using source to process the hook(s) again; or creating a macro to recreate the mbox-hook. Knowing I wouldn't always remember to do any of these, I modified mbox-hook to allow the printf-style sequences as supported in fcc-save-hook. Perhaps someone else will find this patch useful too. You can find it at http://www.woolridge.org/mutt/ -- -Dale