On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 11:06:56AM -0500, David T-G stood up and spoke:
> I pulled it down and opened it with 1.2.5 and 1.3.25 with no problem.

First of all, thanks to everyone who tested it!

Now, I have found that if I install FreeBSD's mutt-devel port, which is
mutt 1.3.25, it also works fine here. However, when using the current
stable version of mutt (1.2.5), the problem always happens - no matter if I
recompile mutt, and no matter on which one of my machines I try it.

Since people have reported that my mailbox file works for them even in mutt
1.2.5, the problem may be caused by one of the FreeBSD specific patches, as
included in the FreeBSD ports tree. However, since everything works fine
with 1.3.25, I don't see a reason to do much more research on this. I will
probably simply install 1.3.25 on all my machines and forget about it ;-)


Nils Holland
Ti Systems - FreeBSD in Tiddische, Germany
http://www.tisys.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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