Hi folks,
I've been using Mutt for quite some time, and now I have a problem. My
current mutt (1.2.5i on FreeBSD 4.5-PRERELEASE) seems to have some

I have set up mutt so that it accesses new mail that has been filtered into
my various inboxes and, once I have read these new messages, moves them to
other folders for later review by me.

Now, my "archive" folders have always worked fine, i.e. I could always
successfully access them when I wanted to look at some old message.
However, today I noticed that when accessing a few (but not all) of these
folders, mutt dumps core.

I have tried several things, but I don't know what's wrong. Therefore, I
uploaded one of my mbox files which triggers a core dump. It can be found
at http://www.tisys.org/misc/xpert (it's a folder containing XFree86
mailing list messages, about 3.3 MB in size). I'd appreciate if someone
could try downloading and opening it it mutt, preferrably also in 1.2.5i,
but probably also in the latest beta.

If you try that and it also crashed your mutt, my mailbox file(s) must have
gotten corrupt (although I could not find any sign for that). If it works
for you, something must be wrong with my configuration ;-)

So, I'd be glad if some folks would try this out and report the results to
me. I've already tried opening the mailbox file(s) on all of my machines
without success, so the only thing left to do is probably call others for a


Nils Holland
Ti Systems - FreeBSD in Tiddische, Germany
http://www.tisys.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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