Cristian wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 04:27:34PM +0000, Paul Walker wrote:
> > I just tried (piping your email direct into GPG), and got this:
> > 
> > gpg: CRC error; 947beb - dc3947
> > gpg: quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used
> > 
> > So something still needs some more work. (I'm using Exim 3.33.)
> That's what I expected to happen when an email is verified before the
> "quoted printable" 7bit transfer format is converted back to the
> original 8bit text.

I had the following Header in Christian's original e-mail:

        X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit 
        by id g0C00ft29166

And I was able to verify his mail perfectly.

Hence my fear of broken signatures.  Clear-signing should work if the
mail is properly converted in both directions during the process, but as
Paul has showed, it might break at some point because of a broken MTA
and/or broken setup.

I still think this is better than the original behavior, and it could
also be taken care of by having mutt convert the message to 8bit before
feeding it to gpupg.

BTW, I tested the patch with Outlook today and it works as supposed.
One thing though: Somewhere the following header is created:

        Content-Disposition: inline; filename="msg.pgp"

This causes Outlook to show an attachment where there obviously is
none.  Could this be safely ommited?

Viktor Rosenfeld

Attachment: msg23011/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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