Hi, Justin,

How about sharing your 'regex' here for our reference?

I've tried to write one but found it's inefficient due to searching in
all the message bodies (~b). How do you think about it?

* Is it possible to limit the lines to scan for message body? I think
  only 5 lines at the top and bottom is enough. (Refer to Vim's
  "modeline" concept - for the majority of cases my name would only
  appear at top or bottom of the message.)

BTW, I found I can not handle mutt's regexp though I'm an experienced
Perl programmer. :)

  color index red default '~b (Charles|Charlie)'  => Unmatched (

not to mention:

  color index red default '~b Charl(es|ie)'  => Unmatched (

* Could anybody explain mutt's operator precedence and association


On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 06:09:31PM -0500, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> Thus spake Gerhard Siegesmund ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I don't know if it is at all possible, but I loved this feature with
> > crosspoint (in the old times of fido-net). Is it possible to color (in
> > the index) a mail which is a reply to a mail from me? So that I can
> > see very fast if someone answered me in a list? (Hope this is not a
> > FAQ).
> I have a regex color set up for any mail that mentions my name in the
> body, since I'll usually be attributed in a followup on the lists I'm
> on.  That works well for me...

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