At 23:47 +0100 05 Jan 2002, Gerhard Siegesmund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know if it is at all possible, but I loved this feature with
> crosspoint (in the old times of fido-net). Is it possible to color (in
> the index) a mail which is a reply to a mail from me? So that I can see
> very fast if someone answered me in a list? (Hope this is not a FAQ).

There are a few things that might work.

 - Searching the body was already mentioned in another message.

    color index red default ~b

 - You may also be able to do it based on Message-IDs mentioned in the
   Referecnes header, if there's a pattern that would match only
   Message-IDs from your messages.  It looks like
   may work for this:

     color index red default ~x

 - The third option that I can think of involves a patch that I wrote:

   This would allow you to do

     color index red default %~P

   Although that would only work if your message was in the same

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to
 write, it should be hard to understand.

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