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Okay, a bit of history.  I'm currently a Pine user and I'm considering 
switching to Mutt since I have need of useable and useful PGP/GPG 

I have one local machine and two remote IMAP machines, each of which have
mail folders on them. For sake of explanation, lets call them

mail.server1.com which contains INBOX, folder1 and folder2
mail.server2.com which contains INBOX, folder3 and folder4

Under pine, I can easily set up three mail collections as follows
folder-collections=server1 {mail.server1.com}mail/[],
                   server2 {mail.server2.com}mail/[],
                   local mail/[]

which will let me see all of the folders on the local machine, server1 and 
server2 on the folder screen and transfer files between them easily.  This
functionality is actually fairly important to me as it enables me to get 
things I need to do done quickly.

Under mutt, I cannot seem to get this to work.  I figured out that if
I 'set folder={mail.server1.com}; set imap_home_namespace=mail' I can see 
the folders on server1, and if I set folder={mail.server2.com} I can see 
the folders on server2.  However, try as I might, I cannot seem to find a 
way to get all of these folders to appear on the 'c' screen.

I spent most of today hunting around a bit in the hopes that somewhere on 
the web this was documented, or that someone had implemented something 
similar to pines folder collections for mutt, but so far I seem to have 
hit a blank wall.

Anyone out there able to help me out?

The requirements of the solution are
a) being easily able to get a list of the folders on either machine as 
well as locally, preferably all at the same time with some sort of 
b) being able to easily move a message from one folder (on any machine) to 
any other folder (potentially on a different machine) without having to 
type in the entire imap URL or local path.  IE, being in server1 in 
folder1, I would love to be able to say 's folder3' and have it go to the 
right place, or even (at worst) 's serv2/folder3' (ie collection/folder).

Best would be able to have something similar to pine where it let me 
quickly scan through the collections and the folders within them via 
something akin to the ^N/^P that pine allows.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

- --JT

- -- 
[ Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.                  ]
[ It's hard to seize the day when you must first grapple with the morning ]

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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