After talking to Michael Elkins for a little
this pretty much seems like a bug.

It appears that mutt is moving new messages from my new/ dir to the cur/
(I am running Maildir). So this is why N randomly appears in front of the
folder name. However, 5 minutes later Mutt (or not?) moves messages to
the cur/ BUT it keeps the N flag on the message itself.

mark_old is UNset 

same error exists with 

It this really a bug ?


On Fri 11 Jan 2002, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote:
> Hello List,
> It has been a long time since i posted questions here, because RTFM is a
> magical thing. Well, this time it is something i can not solve on my
> own...
> I have been doing some changes to my ~/.muttrc, restructuring stuff and so
> on. Tried to use IMAP but since i did not have time to figure out how to
> conveniently archive my mail i still have some mailboxes with ~4500
> messages. I also tried using IMAP with Michael Elkins's isync which worked
> great, but then there is a problem of maintaining 2 sets of configs and
> mutt versions, here at work, and at home. So here am I, using good old
> method. SSH into the server. Type 'mutt'. Hit enter :o)
> Anyway, back to the problem
> Mutt does not or absolutely randomly displays "N" in the Folder View in front
> of the mailboxes that have new mail... Each of those folders has at least
> 20 messages.
> I have not touched $folder_format at all. This problem also affects 
> $status_format %b which is supposed to tell you number of mailboxes with the 
> new mail.
> I have spent 3 hours going through my ~/.muttrc and can not find anything
> that could be wrong. 
> My .muttrc is here. Feel free to take a pick
> Using
> Mutt 1.3.25-current-20020110i (2002-01-01)
> I had to install the CVS version since \012 in PGP signed mail drove me
> nuts :)
> igor
> -- 
> Uptime : 30 days, 11:55

Uptime : 30 days, 17:53

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