On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 12:24:17PM +0800, Charles Jie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    user id (short form, 8 hex digits) - an key ID for your convenience
>      to specify a key for gpg, not guaranteed to be unique (non-ambiguous)
>    user id (long form, 16 hex digits) - better ID but who'll use it?

These two aren't user ids but key ids.

> 2. In gpg's key listing, I see, eg.:
> pub  1024D/C9C40C31 2001-05-25 Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> uid                            Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> uid                            Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sub  1024g/59FAB546 2001-05-25
> But what's the 'sub' entry? What's the ID in it?

It's a subkey. I think it's explained in the manual (not man page).

> 3. When I get clearer with gpg, I try to make my 'uid' more informative
>    for others. But I found gpg doesn't provide good maintaining method
>    to update them. You can not update uid except using adduid/deluid.
>    You can not(?) change the 'preference' order of those uid's. The
>    worse, I found I have no way to remove my old uid's in keyserver - they
>    just accumulate. Strange gpg.

You can't do this easily, but I think there is something in the

Sorry, I don't have the manual at hand, but look at the gnupg


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