On 2002-01-05 12:50:56 +0100, Nick Wilson wrote:
> 1.      How do I get my signiture? I know yours is 0xC9C40C31 but how do
> I find mine?

gpg --list-keys "Nick Wilson" should do it.

And it isn't a signature, it's a key ID, technically speaking.

For me I get:

% gpg --list-keys Liebach
pub  1024D/D796A4EB 2001-06-18 Morten Liebach (New mail from Dec. 2001) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub  2048g/63F0F3BB 2001-06-18

Use 'man gpg' for these occasions, gpg have a ton of options, none of
them that I can remember, I have to look them up from time to time.
Have a nice day

Morten Liebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> webthingy at http://kallisti.dk/
PGP-Key-ID: 0xD796A4EB on keyserver.net or at http://kallisti.dk/ml.asc

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