* On 10-01-02 at 17:58 * Knute said.... > The signature thing wasn't in the muttrc though. I'm still not sure > where it is located. And I've checked most of the files in my home > directory. > > And I know that it isn't a global setting because I've reloaded / twice > since it was set that way. > Weird, Not sure about that. It's almost as weird that we must have both been posting at the same time on this thread :) - -- Nick Wilson Tel: +45 3325 0688 Fax: +45 3325 0677 Web: www.explodingnet.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8PcpuHpvrrTa6L5oRAt3EAKCUSTRfANcl4VxTUTjKjjqA0wxsVACeJbz0 m2mDx5IOcX0/+LimW/Lt0bA= =UxSK -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----