On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote: > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > > * On 10-01-02 at 17:30 > * Daniel & Rachel Bomsta said.... > > > I am a relatively new user to mutt ( about 2 months ). I have a recent > > problem with mutt-1.3.24. When I compose a message I get the To: prompt and > > enter the address, then I get the Subject: prompt and can enter a subject, I > > hit enter and mutt is frozen. I must kill it and I am still not able to > > compose a message. > > > > Any ideas? > > > Yeah, mutt is probably trying to invoke/run something that is not doing > what it should. With me it was the editor being set to 'vim' not 'vi' > (RedHat weirdity) and this fella knute's mutt was looking for a > signiture that didn't exist. > > Time to sift through that .muttrc! > - --
The signature thing wasn't in the muttrc though. I'm still not sure where it is located. And I've checked most of the files in my home directory. And I know that it isn't a global setting because I've reloaded / twice since it was set that way. -- Knute You live, You die. Enjoy the interval! -- Clarence