On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 12:39:27PM -0800, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> There is the %c that can be used wich will show the number of bytes of
> the message.

Ah, I like that better anyway.  I didn't even think about switching it.
Sometimes the easiest way is just to go around. :)

> Not a problem with procmail but can be solved with it by using:
> :0 Bfhw
> * H ?? ! ^Lines:
> * -1^0
> * 1^1   ^.*$
> | formail -A "Lines: $="
> Then you will have the number of lines shown.

Good solution, I'll file that one away if I need it, thanks.

> Never hurts, I'm on about my 5th time alread :)



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