-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Thanks to everyone who have responded with helpful hints. For those keeping score:
At some point hitherto, Derek D. Martin hath spake thusly: > - forwarded messages not included in quoting The mentioned variables seem to have solved this one. > - sigs not included in quoting This turned out to be my custom emacs mode (post) which strips out the signatures. Turning this feature on or off is fairly easy from within emacs, so that's cool. > - HTML mail I still don't really like it, but it's a lot better than it was. I've got it working so it displays the text with lynx, and if I view the html parts it pops up in a remote mozilla window. This makes my life a LOT easier than it was, but it still would be better if mutt had better internal HTML handling. But I like having the ability to display it both in the e-mail pager, and to have it conveniently pop up in a browser window. That's cool. Mike L, if you have tricks for figuring out WHICH mozilla window the page will pop up in, I'd like to see that. > - encrypting attachments I seem to have been confused about what my problem actually was, but the next time I run into it, I'll be sure to ask. ;-) > - pgp userid identification > > Despite the fact that I've composed an e-mail to a person whose e-mail > address matches exactly one of the userid's in my gpg key ring, and > despite the fact that gpg will select the correct key every time when > invoked seperately on the command line, mutt insists on prompting me > to choose between several keys with somewhat similar e-mail addresses > attached to them. No one's addressed this so I'll assume there's currently no way to fix it. If this is intentional behavior, I'm very curious as to the rational. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I consider this broken. And BTW, if you mistype your passphrase (assuming you're signing, as well as encrypting), the aggravation is doubled every time you miss it. ;-) > - pgp hooks > > attempted to solve the above problem by using a pgp hook to associate > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a particular key id. Now, instead of > prompting me to choose between keys, mutt prompts me TWICE to see if I > really, really want to use that key. Same as above for this one. > - clearsigned and/or ascii-armored messages At least as far as my (very) limited test goes, <esc>P does seem to deal with this acceptably. > With these problems, IMO mutt does not suck less than other mailers; > it just sucks differently. If they were fixed, IMO, it really would > suck a lot less. Mutt sucks much less (for me) today! =8^) I'd still really really like to see the pgp key selection stuff cleaned up, and I'd also really rather not have to hit <esc>P to have a traditional PGP message work. Thanks again. - -- Derek Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] - --------------------------------------------- I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG! GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu Learn more about it at http://www.gnupg.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8OkMgdjdlQoHP510RAthiAKC6nD0K2ai9m2vSW6vE9Jht9nkB7wCgs1Iy xhmBY42VtMCldEmTp2kqsrA= =fqi+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----