On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 01:13:59PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> Philip Mak muttered:
> > "set mail_check" configures how often (in seconds) mutt should look
> > for new mail. I have it set to 5, but new e-mail that I receive does
> > *not* show up within 5 seconds.
> > 
> > It seems that it only shows up if I press a key in mutt.
> mailboxes must be set
> You have to find a balance between $mail_check and $timeout. See
> sections 4.12. and  6.3.215. of the manual.

Thanks. $timeout was the problem; since timeout defaults to 600
seconds, mutt will only check mail every 10 minutes no matter how
small $mail_check is, if I don't press a key!

I would like to suggest that the phrase "See also timeout." or
something similar be added to the definition of mail_check in section
6.3 of the manual. Otherwise, someone might not realize that a low
value of mail_check may be useless if timeout is set too high.

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