* René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020107 11:29]:
> * Philip Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [07-01-2002 11:16]:
> | "set mail_check" configures how often (in seconds) mutt should look
> | for new mail. I have it set to 5, but new e-mail that I receive does
> | *not* show up within 5 seconds.
> | 
> | It seems that it only shows up if I press a key in mutt.
> Do you have set the $mailboxes directive to look at the correct
> mailbox(es)?
> -- 
> René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I have the same problem, I only get my mail if I hit 'G'
What should $mailboxes be set to?
I had a look at the manual but couldn't really understand it. 
An example would be great!


Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
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Web:    www.explodingnet.com

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