On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 05:04:25PM +0000, Tom Jones wrote:
> [setting From: in replies depending on which of my addresses was a 
> rcpt of the original mail]
> > Sure.  Set 'alternates' to a regular expression that describes all the
> > addresses that are yours.  This can be a simple list with the elements
> > separated by '|'.  Then set 'reverse_name'.  See the manual for
> > specifics.
> This is nearly working now. It works fine for personal mail where
> stuff is actually addressed to me. But I would like it to try and work
> whenever I am a recipient of the mail. So, for example, it will not
> work with this mail because the only relevant header in your post to
> the list is 
> Delivered-To: GMX delivery to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So I will now have to go and edit the from header manually (if I
> remember).
> Can mutt do what I want?

I don't know.  A send-hook might handle the "Delivered-To:" case.  Take
a look at the section on "Patterns " in the manual and do some
experimenting.  You might be able to get a ~h pattern to work, or if you
know which addresses you've used to subscribe to which mailing lists,
you could match the list's address instead to select the appropriate
'my_hdr From: ...'


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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