* Paul Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04/01/02, 13:37:22]:

> > Don't you get a list of your IMAP folders if you type
> > 
> > c ? <TAB>
> > 
> I think for this to work you have to set the folder variable to point to
> your imap account, and then it will know to look there for folders:
> set folder=imap://imap.server/

My folder setting is ~/Mail :)

That's the reason why I have to press <TAB> after pressing ?.



Kai Blin Webmaster    of  http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/thm/molgen/
Univ. of Tuebingen  Inst. of   Human   Genetics  fon +49-7071-2974890
Wilhelmstrasse 27   Dept. of Molecular Genetics  fax +49-7071-295233
D-72074 Tuebingen   Do molecular biologists wear designer genes?

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