On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 02:32:15PM +0100, Kai Blin wrote:
> * Michal Suchanek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04/01/02, 14:01:40]:
> > Is there any easy way how one could switch to IMAP folder in mutt
> > 1.2.5i ? The IMAP folders arent listed anwhere, and their names like
> Don't you get a list of your IMAP folders if you type
> c ? <TAB>

I think for this to work you have to set the folder variable to point to
your imap account, and then it will know to look there for folders:

set folder=imap://imap.server/

I could be wrong about this though...

- Paul

Paul Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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