Charles Jie wrote:
> Your suggestions make me curious about the issue of procmail that I
> postpone putting back my .forward.
> 1. In, I found a line:
>     mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -Y -a $DOMAIN

> Q1. I know the 'procmail' in .forward precedes that in But
> can I just use mailbox_command in and forget .forward?

yup. if your vendors configuration already has this, you don't need to
put a .forward at all.

just create your .procmailrc and you're all set.

> Q2. If yes, do I need to append '-t' (fail softly) to the procmail command?
it's probably a good idea.

> Q3. How do I know whether I need to give the '-Y' option?

       -Y   Assume  traditional  Berkeley  mailbox format, ignore
            any Content-Length: fields.

might as well leave it if it's part of the vendor supplied
> Q4. I don't have the ENV variable $DOMAIN in shell, the '-a $DOMAIN' is
>     OK?

i don't think this is necessary at all, but i could be wrong of course.
i've never needed to set this (or add the -a $DOMAIN bit).

note that if you have other users on this box, who don't use procmail,
it may be better to use postfix's 'local' - which is the builtin LDA
(and is a bit more efficient than procmail).

if you're the only user on the box, it doesn't really matter where you
put it.

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