Thank you both for hints about procmail, Will and Ren. Your suggestions make me curious about the issue of procmail that I postpone putting back my .forward.
1. In, I found a line: mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -Y -a $DOMAIN 2. In /var/log/syslog, I also found this command is run by postfix/local when I remove .forward. I have questions; Q1. I know the 'procmail' in .forward precedes that in But can I just use mailbox_command in and forget .forward? Q2. If yes, do I need to append '-t' (fail softly) to the procmail command? Q3. How do I know whether I need to give the '-Y' option? Q4. I don't have the ENV variable $DOMAIN in shell, the '-a $DOMAIN' is OK? best regards, charlie On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 05:47:24PM +0100, Ren? Clerc wrote: > * Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [31-12-2001 17:15]: > > | Charles Jie wrote: > | > > | > (My MTA is postfix (on Mandrake 8.1). Mutt is 1.3.24i. procmail 3.21.) > | > I wonder whether the following files (copied from 'man procmail') have > | > anything wrong. Help, please. > | > > | > * My ~/.forward: > | > > | > "|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75 #jie" > | > | with postfix, just: > | "| /usr/bin/procmail -t" > | > | should be fine. > | > | the fancy sendmail style trickery shouldn't be necessary. > > But, make sure in your postfix/ the following line is present: > > mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail > > (or where ever your procmail resides) > > HTH, > > -- > Ren? Clerc - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > > A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space. > -Gloria Steinem -- Charles Jie (¬ö¬K¿³) Keya Technologies (¶}¶®¬ì§Þ) (O) +886 2 2936 0813 (Mobile) 0920 397 746