
* giorgian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-12-22 17:38]:
>1) how can i tell mutt to automatically signs all my mail
set pgp_autosign

>and not to ask for my passphrase every time?
You shouldn't do this (and I don't know how it's done).

>2) if i send a signed email to myself, mutt recognizes my public key.
>   but when i read someone else's gpg signed email, what i read is:
>gpg: Signature made Sat Dec 22 17:24:05 2001 CET using DSA key ID 7B9F4700
>gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
>what must i do to get people's public keys?
Depends, but you should get most keys from the public key servers. In
fact, depending on your options, GPG tries this anyway. Search the GPG
documentation for 'keyserver'.

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
        - Isaac Asimov

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