giorgian wrote:
> but:
> 1) how can i tell mutt to automatically signs all my mail, and not to
>    ask for my passphrase every time?

from the FM:
              Type: boolean
              Default: no

              Setting this variable will  cause  Mutt  to  always
              attempt  to  PGP/MIME sign outgoing messages.  This

you don't want to have mutt save your passphrase; doing that would
probably necessitate storing your passphrase in cleartext somewhere.
mutt will cache your passphrase for a short period of time after you've
typed it though.

if you haven't already, i'd highly suggest reading the (very lengthy)
gnupg user guide, and then reading it again.
> 2) if i send a signed email to myself, mutt recognizes my public key.
>    but when i read someone else's gpg signed email, what i read is:

add a line like:

to your .gnupg/options file.

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