Peter -- ...and then Peter Jay Salzman said... % % combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have: % % macro pager \Cf "<forward-message>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n" % % there are still two problems: % % 1. when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in % an editor (vim). is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the % editing here?
Piece of cake: send-hook . "set editor='vim +/^\$'" send-hook (spamcop|(submit|quick)\.[a-z0-9]*)@.* \ 'unset pgp_autosign ; set editor=/bin/true ; my_hdr Fcc: /dev/null ; \ my_hdr from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' Now to figure out how to macro that so that I don't have to hit 'y'... % % 2. mutt trims the headers (which makes this macro useless). is % there a <show-allheaders> type directive i can give in the % macro? You should MIME-encapsulate the message anyway, so # set forward_decode set mime_fwd # unset mime_forward_decode ought to do you; that's what I have in my muttrc. % % % i'm reading the mutt manual, but it's slow going. i'm on line 800 of 6000 % and i feel like i've been reading forever. i've already finished 2 huge % cups of coffee... :-) Good start! % % thanks! % pete % % -- % ** Please don't send me html email ** % PGP Fingerprint: B9F1 6CF3 47C4 7CD8 D33E 70A9 A3B9 1945 67EA 951D % PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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