> Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:30:38 -0800
> Subject: spamcop forwarding redux
> From: Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> combining all 3 ideas that were posted to this list, i have:
>       macro pager \Cf "<forward-message>[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n"
> there are still two problems:
> 1.  when forwarding (as opposed to bouncing), mutt places me in
>     an editor (vim).   is there a way to tell mutt to ixnay the
>        editing here?

    no idea here.
> 2.  mutt trims the headers (which makes this macro useless).  is
>     there a <show-allheaders> type directive i can give in the
>        macro?


> i'm reading the mutt manual, but it's slow going.  i'm on line 800 of 6000
> and i feel like i've been reading forever.   i've already finished 2 huge
> cups of coffee...    :-)

    there'll be more. :)

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