
On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 Roman Neuhauser spewed into the ether:
[-- snip --]
>     Well, since I saw quite a few bitter remarks about procmail, and
>     since maildrop is really easier on the eye, I use that. But... I'd
>     like to make use (in the howto, I don't care much, personally) of
>     some of the antispam filter packages, I was contemplating plugging
>     procmail either between getmail and maildrop, or inside .maildroprc.
>     (Procmail would be used as a 'black box', receiving minimal coverage
>     in the howto.) This would of course create additional load, which
>     I'd like to avoid. Are there any [good] antispam filter packages for
>     maildrop?

Since you are interested in both scoring, and anti-spam filters, I
thought I'd point you to this : 


Seems real impressive, though I've never used it. It does use procmail
though, and I can already see some people scoffing at it :-)

Anyway, do post your results. I, for one, enjoy getting my hands on new
documentation on Email - the concept never ceases to amaze me !


Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                What, me worry ?
http://www.symonds.net/~prahladv/                    Don't Panic !

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