Moin, * Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-12-07 11:30]: > I'm writing [somewhat slowly] an email howto which covers mutt > (among other things). It's aimed at helping unix newbies grok the > new terminology (MUA, MTA, MDA), and set their machines up for email > "the hard way" (ie. avioding Mozilla etc., and going the > "traditional" way instead - getmail, stunnel, maildrop, mutt, pgp, > vim, abook, nullmailer, .mailcaap, etc.). Right now, it mostly > covers stuff I, and one of my friends found underdocumented or hard > to grasp, and where I write about mutt, I mostly cover the way _I_ > use it (of course). Very, very good idea. I found that many people know about email, and you can even find people eating sendmail.cfs for breakfest, but there are few or none documents covering the middle ground. I did something /much/ smaller at Please find errors.
> So... I would really like to get some info from others: what parts > of mutt's documentation have you found lacking? What are your > patterns of use of mutt, and did you have hard time setting it up > the way you wanted, or was everything you needed obvious from the > manual? A very nice thing would be a *simple* sample mutt.rc, that can be understood quickly and expanded. All these options are quite overwhelming for beginners, and so are all sample mutt.rcs I found. A similar thing may even hold true for your docuentation: Keep at least part of it so /small/ that nobody will be deters by the size alone. Good luck to you! Thorsten -- An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex. - Edgar Wallace