* David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> > > and finally posited> wrote it, not who's replying to it ;)
> >   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is more than one character ;)
> Not if you encode it properly.  After all, with nearly six billion
> people on the planet and many of them with multiple personas
> (work, home, hobby, anonymous, etcetc), we'll have to go to
> multi-multi-multi-byte characters ;-)

Best to work on potential nodes on the Internet than people, then -
currently that's 2^32, but IPv6 will increase that to 2^128.  However,
since a charset has to include language symbols, we'll have to go higher
than that to accommodate them.

With this in mind, I'll just get started on adding UTF-256 support to

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/

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