David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> To set my comments apart from others' I started using %_ (the
> common notation for a trailing space, just like the From_
> header).  I had, IIRC, already seen a few folks using | and
> within a few years all manner of quoting (most commonly : :_ |
> |_ $ but occasionally % and %_ just like me) abounded.

These prefixes all make refilling paragraphs difficult in Vim.

> I've simply kept it since then, and it's relatively unique and
> still recognizable.

Relatively unique is _bad_ for a quote character! ;-)

> Hey, at least mine is easy to match with $quote_regexp!

Yes, but I choose not to since I detest false positives.  ('%'
functions as a comment character in many places.)  This is the
same reason I don't keep ':' and '}' in $quote_regexp.

A whole population of identical-looking human beings?  This chilling
dystopian vision has already come to pass in the fall J. Crew catalog.

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