Daniel, et al --

First, I vaguely recall your mention of further improved threading code
on the way.  If my questions will all be answered in the Next Coming (er,
Coding :-) then please let me know and otherwise ignore this.

...and then Daniel Eisenbud said...
% On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 02:46:07PM -0800, Owner of many system processes 
% > Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
% > > $hide_missing only hides the leading message if they can sensibly be
% > > hidden.
% > were other messages in this thread), but isn't this what the '*' denotes
% > in the first place? having both is a bit visually distracting....
% Here's the deal: the asterisk means that the message was attached by

That I gather.

% subject.  The question mark denotes a missing reference.  So if a

This I also understand -- but it seems to be too over-the-top.  I've been
known to clear out everything except a final useful message deep in a
thread -- and so I have a single message with a zillion question marks in
front of it.  Ick, even though I can see that it has missing references;
it's not even part of a thread any more, though!

I created a little test mailbox which can be found at


for identical playing, and it seems to expose at least one problem as
well as raise some questions.

I've taken the liberty of cutting off the end of the sample displays
so that I don't overflow the line length, but when I open this little
mailbox with 1.3.23 I get the expected

  ->    1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
        3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  >#007< Re: A couple of probably 
       10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode

'cuz I have 'exec collapse-all' at the bottom of my muttrc file.  When I
open this with 1.3.24, however, I instead see

  ->    1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
        3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  (  26) ?->Re: A couple of probab
        4 r -  Dec 07 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |-?->Re: A couple of prob
        5   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  18) |   |-?-?-?->
        6   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |   |     `-?-?-?->
        7 r -@ Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  16) |   `-?->
        8  sF  Dec 08 To Mutt Users'  (  54) |       `->
        9  s-@ Dec 08 Prahlad Vaidyan (  42) `->Re: A couple of probab
       10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode

and wonder why the second thread isn't collapsed and if it has something
to do with the missing reference at the top of the thread.  If I open
that thread in 1.3.23 I see

        1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
  ->    3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  (  26) Re: A couple of probably 
        4 r -  Dec 07 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |*>
        5   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  18) | |->
        6   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  29) | |->
        7 r -@ Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  16) | `->
        8  sF  Dec 08 To Mutt Users'  (  54) |   `->
        9  s-@ Dec 08 Prahlad Vaidyan (  42) `*>
       10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode

and we see that, while a couple of items were attached by virtue of
subject (though Prahlad's message, interestingly enough, did not appear
to have any missing refs according to 1.3.24 above), the threading looks
manageable and appears in the same order.

Just to test the why-it-doesn't-collapse theory, I used Cedric's thread
patch to break the thread at message 3 (where it's not attached to
anything but is simply dangling, so to speak); sure enough (after syncing
the box to write the change), starting 1.3.24 fresh results in a lovely

  ->    1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
        3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  >#007< Re: A couple of probably 
       10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode

as one would hope.  And, for those of us who would prefer to have neat
displays over complete thread histories (when the rest of the thread
isn't there), breaking off message 4 and relinking below 3, and then
breaking off message 5 and relinking under 4, looks like

        1 ns-  Nov 30 Thomas Roessler >#002< [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i i
        3   -  Dec 07 Thorsten Haude  (  26) Re: A couple of probably 
        4 r -  Dec 07 Thomas Hurst    (  29) |->
  ->    5   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  18) | |->
        6   -  Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  29) | |-?-?-?-?-?-?->
        7 r -@ Dec 08 Thomas Hurst    (  16) | `-?->
        8  sF  Dec 08 To Mutt Users'  (  54) |     `->
        9  s-@ Dec 08 Prahlad Vaidyan (  42) `*?->
       10 r -  Dec 08 Nicolas Rachins >#004< Re: scripting/batchmode

in 1.3.24 -- so we *can* have pretty displays of our archived partial
threads if we want to take the time to break and relink.  Note that the
missing reference for message 6 are even longer now; I bet that they
probably "add up" to the total of references missing in message 5 and
message 6 above and are all now moved down.

I'd prefer to have $hide_missing hide *all* of the missing reference
indicators and give me a display like in 1.3.23 -- all of the clips above
are with $hide_missing set!


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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