Steve -- ...and then Steven Schneider said... % % On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 11:35:43AM +0100, Thorsten Haude wrote: % > % > * Marc Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-12-09 03:00]: % > > % > >How about this? (wrapped, should be all one line in .muttrc) % > > % > >mailboxes ! `find ~/Mail/ -type f | perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_ " unless % > >m/^.*(postponed|sent.mail.*|killfil.*|trash|mbox)$/'` % > Or, if you want to avoid Perl: % > mailboxes `find ~/Mail -type f -print | grep -Ev '(log|backup|sent|postponed|trash|index|archiv)' | xargs` % > % Ok, I imagine that I have to substitute my mailboxes/dirs in thoses
The idea behind the find is to let the list be generated for you. This tells mutt to watch every file under your $HOME/Mail directory except for those excepted in the parens. % lines, but I woundn't mind having those others (i.e. sent, % postponed, trash, etc...) do I have to make those before hand? The reason to leave these out is because new mail is rarely delivered to those files; they are where you put mail either as you're writing it or once you're done with it. In fact, I only deliver to $HOME/Mail/F.* (a ten-year-old convention for 'F'older that is now to ingrained to change to I.* or some such :-) as well as my inbox, so my mailboxes line is simply mailboxes $MAIL `echo $HOME/Mail/F.*` and should be faster than a find -- which is what really matters to me. % Will mutt create those for me when I use a command line like % that? No, it won't; you're just telling mutt where to look for new mail. I'm not sure if mutt will notice a file that is created after it's mentioned in the mailboxes line, either; you'll have to check. If you just touch the file(s) once, that oughta do you (oh, and set save_empty). % % Steve % -- % E-Mail: Steven Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> % URL: % % -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- % Version: 3.1 % GS d? s: !a? C+ UB+ !L !E W++ N w V- !PS PE Y+ PGP+ R !tv b+ DI++ G-- e++ h-- r+++ y+++ % ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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