On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 12:07:46AM +0100, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:
> To let mutt -y work, you need to use the mailboxes command in your
> muttrc. Look in the manual for its syntax.
Did that, looked up that handy URL too.
> If you want to show all your folders, you should add somthing like
> push "<change-folder>?" #untested!
> to your .muttrc, or call mutt with -e "<change-folder>?" (also
> untested).
Oh, well I wish that I had dl'd this before I modified my .muttrc.
Right now I have three lines like thus:

mailboxes ...
mailboxes ...
mailboxes ...
Not the most elegant of solutions, a lot of work and my mailboxes
could change.  I might try that and see what happens.

E-Mail: Steven Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL: http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/schnes

Version: 3.1
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