On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 08:12:48PM -0800, Mike Erickson wrote:
> Hello,
> A few times, I've been going through old mail in one of my mailboxes and
> noticed a mail with no subject. Opening it up reveals an entire email
> message, headers and all, in the body. I'm using sendmail, procmail,
> biff n and mbox format. Is this mutt-related?
There is just one time I noticed this and that was just with mail from
one regular correspondant of mine. Her mail never appeared to have
a Subject line in the index, but did in the mail message. She uses
Outlook Express :( .. so I just never bothered to investigate it
further ..assuming.. well you can guess what I was assuming.

Then one day it stopped happening, and has never happened since.

This does not help your problem of course, I didn't ask about it
on the list at the time, I just put up with it.


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