Jesper Holmberg writes:
> Hi all!
> Check out the first "Letters to the Editor" in today's "Linux Weekly News"
> (, it contains some critique of mutt by Erik Kidd. To me, all
> of it doesn't seem accurate, e.g. "Mutt can't search message bodies.", but
> I guess someone more knowledgeful than I am could compose a response. A
> discussion of the points he raises could be interesting here, as well.
| * Mutt can't handle big folders efficiently.  I have some mail folders
| with 25,000 messages or more, and mutt insists on rebuilding the indexes
| every time I switch folders.  And since mail files tend to be highly
| fragmented, this can take close to 30 seconds on a 1.4 GHz box.

 This is possibly true, but may depend on the sorting mode one uses.
 That said, I find 25k msgs folders insane ;-)

| * Mutt is inherently modal.  I can't, say, compose two messages at once,
| read a third, and poke around in a mailbox at the same time.

 If he means "do all this in one instance of mutt", he is correct. Of course,
 it can be done running multiple instances of mutt.

| * Mutt can't search message bodies.

 Blatant nonsense and utterly wrong.

| * Mutt can't read the HTML-only e-mails that some people insist on
| sending me through Hotmail, unless I screw around with mimecap files. 
| And even then, it's pretty clunky.

 This has been discussed so many times on this list, it should be easy
 to find in the list archives.

 That said:

"The PROPER way to handle HTML postings is to cancel the article, then
hire a hitman to kill the poster, his wife and kids, and fuck his dog
and smash his computer into little bits. Anything more is just
extremism." -- Paul Tomblin

 (With apologies to whoever I snarfed that .sig from ;-)

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