On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 07:49:46PM +0100, René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04-12-2001 19:27]:
> | On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:24:00PM -0500, David T-G 
> | > Rene, since starting to use mutt I've never wished delete was set to
> | > ask-yes, but I sure hated mark_old (though I want stuff marked old at
> | > times) :-)
> | 
> | There is an patch which leaves messages marked old marked old
> | (even if you unset mark_old).
> Probably with filesize 0K?

I don't understand this one

> Messages marked old stay marked old with me, I don't need no patch for
> that ;)

I think it depends on mark_old, with mark_old set, mutt marks unread
new mails as old when leaving the mailbox, old messages stay old. With
mark_old unset, new messages stay new (until read), and messages
marked_old become new when you leave the mailbox (just try it). The
patch changes the behaviour in respect with old messages and unset
mark_old, the messages stay old (and new messages stay new).

I like this behaviour, I mark messages I want to read later as old,
and later I use an small perlscript to make them new, so mutt shows me
in which folders I have to look.


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