
On Mit, Nov 28, 2001 at 09:23:27 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 21:11:25 +0100, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
> > Using a external editor or pager for viewing the messages has the 
> > disadvantage, that no mutt-internal commands are working. To go arround my 
> > problem both solutions are ok, but they are really only a workaround ;-).
> I agree with you. Perhaps there could be an optional cursor for
> the internal pager.

This feature wold be very comfortable and nice for me ;-).

> PS: Your message doesn't contain a "References" or "In-Reply-To" header.
> Both headers should have been generated by Mutt when you replied; they
> are useful for threading the articles. Did you do a normal reply (or
> list-reply) with Mutt? Otherwise is there a problem with that?

That was my mistake... I first replyed with the fast-reply-function on 
one message with resulting in directly answering the person who wrote this 
mail not not replying to the list. After this I sent the same mail to 
this list, what causes the broken thread. Sorry for that ;-).

Best regards,

Christian Schoepplein    | http://www.lily-rockt.de
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        | http://www.lavish.de

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