Nicolas Rachinsky wrote: > > I've taken the script, added recognition of Pine, and subscribed all > suse mailinglists to one testaccount, and most (all but cvs-all and > similar) FreeBSD Mailinglists to another.
also note that if you build pine on freebsd from the ports (at least the most recent one, for 4.40) it takes out the BSF(version) part of the messageid header. the 4.40 binary from uw didn't work on my (4.4) system. what happens if you apply this to non-mailing list mail? i'd imagine that most of the 'normal' people you correspond with don't use mutt (well unless you're the biggest geek i've ever met). i was surprised to see ONE other mutt user on a music related mailing list i'm on.... and i'd be very surprised to see one of my parents, my little brother, or any of the non-computer oriented people i know, start using mutt! w -- GPG Public Key: