Jussi Ekholm muttered:
> Rob 'Feztaa' Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [About random signatures in Mutt]
> > Well, this is a bit (a lot?) OT, but here is the line in my .muttrc:
> > 
> > set signature="~/.random_sig/random_sig.py ~/.random_sig/my_sigs|"
> Ah, thank you. Hmm... one thing I don't understand; why there is 
> a pipe after the filename where your script picks up the signature?

It tells mutt to read the output of the script.
See Section 3.24. in the manual:

  If the filename ends with a vertical bar (|), then filename is
  considered to be an executable program from which to read input (eg.
  source ~bin/myscript|/).



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