On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 10:03:08PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> I'll accept that.  I'd call it the GUI version of mutt :-)  While I see
> that as a logical evolution, I don't see it happening; mutt runs happily
> in a GUI (as you point out) terminal and can be made to call GUI helper
> applications (like image and web programs), and with eterm (IIUC) can
> even be made mouse aware.  All of the work is done, with no extra bloat
> in the mutt code :-)

Please enlighten me about making mutt mouse-aware, I wasn't aware
that's possible.  Why would it require eterm, couldn't it be done in
an xterm like with vim and lynx?

Paul Ackersviller

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