So far all the solutions I saw proposed on this were designed to
acommodate local mboxen.  What if you're IMAPpin' it ?


On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 04:32:54PM -0500, shock wrote:
>I'm having two problems.  First, when I bring up a listing of mail folders, I'd like 
>to see some indication of which folders contain new mail.  I have the following in my 
>set folder_format="%F %-8.8u %-8.8g %d %8s %N %f"
>The display follows the format exactly, but %N seems to have no effect.  Is there 
>something else I need to be doing?
>Second, when composing new mail, shift-L produces a message stating that no email 
>lists were found.  I have the following in my .muttrc:
>unlists *
>unsubscribe *
>subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>So, I must be missing something obvious.  Any advice would be most welcome.
> ____) ,_)        ,_)
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>(                 \_,
> _______________________________________________
>| : hard to find       |
> _______________________________________________
>| I once witnessed a long-winded, month-long    |
>| flamewar over the use of mice vs.             |
>| trackballs... It was very silly. -- Matt      |
>| Welsh                                         |
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>| R tv+@ b+ DI++++ D+ G++ e++++ h---- r+++ y+++ |
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         ||                     ||          Steven G. Harms 
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