On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 05:37:33PM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove (dis)graced my inbox 
> what i'm seeing is this:
> -rwx------ stephen  seh      Oct 27 17:27     4096   ../
> -rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 27 16:14    50255   Bulk
> drwxr-sr-x stephen  seh      Oct 23 18:02     4096   History/
> -rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 26 10:27   666761   Lori
> -rw------- stephen  seh      Oct 02 17:34    68360   apache
> when Lori and apache have new mail.  what i'd like to see is this:
> -rwx------ stephen  seh      Oct 27 17:27     4096   ../
> -rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 27 16:14    50255   Bulk
> drwxr-sr-x stephen  seh      Oct 23 18:02     4096   History/
> -rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 26 10:27   666761 N Lori
> -rw------- stephen  seh      Oct 02 17:34    68360 N apache
> when the mail folders Lori and apache have new mail.

Well, I've never actually figured out how to make mutt do that the way I
want it to (I can make mutt tell me when there's _new_ mail, but all new
mail turns old when you leave that folder. I can't make mutt tell me
when there's _unread_ mail, like you want to).

But, like I said, a good solution is to set up mbox-hooks (read the
manual for more information on them). With mbox hooks, you can move all
your read mail into a designated folder. This means that if you saw

-rwx------ stephen  seh      Oct 27 17:27     4096   ../
-rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 27 16:14        0   Bulk
-rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 27 16:14   123456   Bulk-old
drwxr-sr-x stephen  seh      Oct 23 18:02     4096   History/
-rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 26 10:27     3451   Lori
-rw-r--r-- stephen  seh      Oct 26 10:27   666761   Lori-old
-rw------- stephen  seh      Oct 02 17:34        0   apache
-rw------- stephen  seh      Oct 02 17:34    68360   apache-old

You would know there is no new mail in Bulk or apache (because their
sizes are 0), and you would know there is new mail in Lori (because it's
size is not 0).


Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight."
                -- George Gobal

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