Hello. I'm using Mutt 1.3.23i on a Debian GNU/Linux (testing/unstable)
platform. Mutt works fine and I love it as a MUA - couldn't switch to
anything else (open to try others as well, of course). I actually 
haven't had any troubles with Mutt ever, but now I've confronted this
"problem". Or an error, whatever.

mailcap entry for type application/x-gzip not found

When there's an attachment of that type. Still, I have the following
lines in my ~/.muttrc;

auto_view application/x-gunzip
auto_view application/x-gzip

Could someone point me to the direction, of how I am able to fix this.
This isn't a serious trouble or nuisance or anything, but I'd still
like Mutt to work like an angel. :-) So, thanks in advance for any
insight. I'd appreciate it.

Jussi Ekholm,               "Everything is so fine it could be
a little, ill flower         don't let your mind take you in misery
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          all the feelings you're not so much pleased
http://ekhowl.goa-head.org   they're just to take you to sweet harmony"

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