It has now been -- to the day -- exactly one year and three months since
a stable-branch, general-release version of mutt has appeared.

While the developer-branch continues to evolve (and is now at version
1.3.23i), the stable branch stagnates at 1.2.5i.

Maybe there is, in fact, a good reason for this -- I don't know.  But I
(and lots of others, I'm sure) would like to know.

Would someone from the mutt developer community mind giving a heads-up
as to the philosophy or current thinking about this situation?

It just seems to me that the longer it goes on, the more difficult it will
be for stable-branch users to make the change-over to a mutt-1.4.0 or
whatever, as so many things will have changed so radically.

                                 // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

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